Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Robert de Simone, Models of Computation for Networks-on-Chips (MoCs for NoCs), 36h, M2 Internationbal, UNS.

  • Master: Robert de Simone, Functional and Temporal Correctness, 36h, M1 Internationbal, UNS.

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Optimization of distributed real-time embedded systems, 24H, M2, University Paris Sud

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Distributed real-time systems, 26H, M2, University Paris Est

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Specification and formal models for embedded systems, 28H, M2, ENSTA, Paris

  • Master: Yves Sorel, Correct by construction design of reactive systems, 18H, M2, ESIEE, Noisy-Le-Grand

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Encadrement Projet en équipe, 31h, M1, Polytech'Nice

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Encadrement Apprentissage, 8h, M1, Polytech'Nice

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Architecture machine, 24h, niveau M1, Polytech'Nice, France.

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Systèmes embarqués et Ambient, 10h, M2, Polytech'Nice, France.

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Langage C++, 88h, M1,Polytech'Nice, France.

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Ingénierie Dirigée par les modèles par la pratique, 24h, M2,Polytech'Nice, France.

  • Master : Julien Deantoni, Ingénierie Dirigée par les modèles avancée, 9h, M2 Esprit Tunis, Tunisia.

  • Master: Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Une approche synchrone des systèmes embarqués temps réel,12h, M1, EPITA Paris

  • Master: Dumitru Potop Butucaru and Thomas Carle, L'approche synchrone de la construction des systèmes embarqués temps réel, 12h, M2, Polytech Paris UPMC.

  • Licence: Laurent George, Java and Shell programming 48h, L1, IUT RT UPEC, France

  • Master: Laurent George, Distributed Real-Time Systems, 24h, M2, UPEC, France

  • Licence : Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, Algorithms and programming 60h,L1, UNS Institute of technology.

  • Licence : Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, System and Networks administration 80h, L2, UNS Institute of technology .

  • Licence : Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, Web Programming 50 h, L2, UNS Institute of technology.

  • Licence: Frédéric Mallet, Architecture des ordinateurs, 45h, L3, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Programmation Avancée et Design Patterns, 93h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Java pour l'Informatique Industrielle, 24h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Architectures des ordinateurs, 12h, M1, UNS.

  • Master: Frédéric Mallet, Formal Models for Network-On-Chips, 3h, M2, UNS.


  • PhD in progress: Cristian Maxim, Probabilistic Real-Time Systems, University of UMPC-Paris-Sorbonne, co-supervised by Liliana Cucu-Grosjean with Benoit Triquet (Airbus)

  • PhD: Falou Ndoye, Multiprocessor real-time scheduling taking into account preemption cost [19] ; defended April 2014, supervised by Yves Sorel

  • PhD: Manel Djemal, Reconciling performance and predictibility on a NoC-based MPSoC using off-line scheduling techniques [18] , EDITE/UPMC, defended June 27th 2014, co-supervised by Alix Munier (UPMC/Lip6) and D. Potop-Butucaru.

  • PhD: Thomas Carle, Efficient compilation of embedded control specifications with complex functional and non-functional properties [16] , EDITE/UPMC, defended Oct. 31st 2014, supervised by D. Potop-Butucaru.

  • PhD in progress: Salah Saidi, Real-time scheduling for distributed simulation of numerical models, University of UMPC-Paris-Sorbonne, co-supervised by Nicolas Pernet (IFPEN) and Yves Sorel

  • PhD in progress: Matias Vara-Larsen, Toward a formal and hierarchical timed model for concurrent heterogeneous model, UNS, started November 2012, supervised by Frédéric Mallet, co-supervised by Julien Deantoni.

  • PhD in progress: Ameni Khecharem, High-Level modeling of hierarchical power management policies in SoCs, UNS, started October 2012, supervised by Robert de Simone.

  • PhD in progress: Ying Lin, Formal Analysis of polychronous models with MARTE/CCSL, East China Normal University, started September 2011, supervised by Jing Liu (ECNU), co-supervised by Frédéric Mallet.

  • PhD in progress: Emilien Kofman, Conception Haut Niveau Low Power d'objets mobiles communicants, UNS, started Oct 2013, supervised by Robert de Simone, co-supervised by François Verdier (UMR CNRS/UNS LEAT).

  • PhD in progress: Amin Oueslati, Modélisation conjointe d'applications et d'architectures parallèles embarqués en pratique, UNS, started Jan 2014, supervised by Robert de Simone.

  • PhD in progress: Yann Bondue, Towards formal multimodal languages, UNS, started December 2014, supervised by Julien Deantoni.


  • Robert de Simone: PhD examiner of Mariem Abdelmoula (UNS)

  • Yves Sorel: PhD examiner of Philippe Thierry (University Paris Est)

  • Laurent George: PhD reviewer of Georges-Arnaud KEMAYO (ENSMA Poitiers), Vincent LEGOUT (Telecom ParisTech) and Gurulingesh RARAVI (University of Porto).

  • Liliana Cucu-Grosjean: PhD reviewer of Maxime Cheramy (University of Toulouse-INSA) and Vladimir-Alexandru Paun (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)

  • Dumitru Potop Butucaru: PhD examiner of Chan Ngo (Univ. Rennes 1)